Print a list of banned players with their duration, ID, and reason to the console. Duration units are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Type "lpi" to find an ID.īans a player from the game for in with a reason of (optional). Used to remove a player from the admin list. Permission levels can range between 0 (maximum) and 1000 (none). Note that you can use the players entityid, playername, or steam ID. Used to add a player to the admin list with the desired permission level. Commands are as listed by typing "help" into the console. Command arguments presented in are optional, however commands using are not.Ĭurrent list taken from Alpha 15.
#Cheat mode 7 days to die xbox one full

Unlock the Dodo by completing the "Sea Plane" random event. There is no other marine craft cheat in the game. Unlock the Kraken submarine by completing the "Wildlife Photography Challenge" (snap pictures of all 20 animals in the game). Unlock the Duke O'Death car by completing the "Duel" random event. Spawns the PCJ-600 sports bike, in case you need to get somewhere in a hurry. Spawns a golf cart in case you feel like playing a round. Spawns the Buzzard attack chopper with missiles and machine gun ammo. You can enter the cheat up to 3x for increased effect. Hold down SPACEBAR and you'll float more. Will cycle through the in-game weather in the following order: sunny, clear, cloudy, smoggy, overcast, rainy, thundery, clearing and snowing.Ĭars have less gravity. You'll get all the guns in the game, along with full ammo supplies. Just equip it and press the LEFTBUTTON on your mouse to activate. If you enter it a fifth time, the cheat will be disabled.Įquips you with a parachute.
#Cheat mode 7 days to die xbox one code
Increase the effect by entering the code up to 4x.

You have much more time to aim your weapon. Your armor and health are replenished back to full. Makes you invulnerable for 5 minutes before you need to enter the code again to keep it going. Use this to increase your wanted level by one star. Use this to decrease your wanted level by one star. Your rounds will set whatever they hit on fire. Your melee attacks become explosive, does no harm to you though. Hold the jump button (SPACEBAR) to do even bigger jumps. The cheat is activated by eating a special Peyote plant. Will transport you instantly into mid-air, doing a skydive, and with no way to use a parachute.īigfoot (Sasquatch) Mode: Click here to read the instructions. The special ability of your current character is fully recharged and ready for use. Your swimming speed is greatly increased. Like the cheat name says, makes you run faster. Makes it very hard to drive, run, and even walk.